Become the Only Name in >>>

I get why you want every marketing piece to have an ROI. Technology is all about metrics, and you need to fill the top of that funnel. Thinking about spending marketing funds on pure brand-building is upsetting. Are you okay, though? Can I get you a Kleenex? I meant facial tissue, but you know nobody […]

Email Deliverability

We grazed the subject of email deliverability when we talked about unsubscribers in a previous post. While we try not to smother our clients with details about what we do, it is helpful when clients understand a bit about why we do things in certain ways rather than leaving them in the dark and having […]

You WANT People to Unsubscribe

Your latest campaign isn’t getting much traction; your conversion rate is low and you’re not seeing a significant ROI. There’s only one bright spot, you tell yourself, nobody seems to be unsubscribing, at least. Whoa-up there. It sounds like it’s worse than you thought. You want people to unsubscribe. No, I don’t Yes, you do. […]

Skewed Questions – Skewed Data

Asking clients – or potential clients – for their input helps build a customer profile and will let you know where products and services on offer do or don’t measure up. It also makes customer and prospects feel like their opinions matter to you. But think about how you ask questions. If you go to […]

It Says My Site is Not Secure!

July 2018. The talk of the Google-pocalypse had been brief and frenzied. Nobody was sure how much havoc the release of Chrome v68 was going to create. When the change came there were some who didn’t notice. There were some who were caught unaware and could only stammer, “It says my site is not secure!” […]

Nobody Talks About Click-Fraud

What’s the real reason for all of the cybersecurity measures protecting your business? In the end, it’s for unscrupulous people using internet access to steal your money. It may be in obvious ways: with DDOS attacks, spyware and ransomware. You might also pay them to steal from you. It’s called click-fraud, and if you’re not […]

Ethics and the Internet of Things

A new report on malicious examples of artificial intelligence is giving us a glimpse into how complicated security will be for the Internet of Things. People may joke about their microwave or toaster being hacked but the reality of integrated home systems and self-driving cars means we’re putting a lot of trust in artificial intelligence. […]

More than the Cloud on the Horizon

A little foggy on how to sell what’s next? It’s taken a while to build trust but clients have come to accept the benefits of cloud computing. Likewise, most clients can see the future in the Internet of Things. Getting clients to trust innovation can be tough. Just when you think you’ve got it all […]

The Data Delusion

Once upon a time, data was a rare and valuable commodity. We were careful warehousers of the scant statistics we had. Dependable data had always been hard to come by so many of us thought it was a Holy Grail that would sell products. The move to a full-digital society meant our ability to retain […]