Brand New Brand

Since 2000 our vision has been to build a different type of agency. Today we remain committed to developing an organization that matters in the lives of our colleagues and our clients and holds a unique industry position. We have always enjoyed presenting a challenging and highly creative face to the world, one that reflects […]

Greek Philosophers & Persuasive Marketing

Ancient Greek philosophers characterize persuasion as displaying three primary qualities. The first quality is that of trust. This is typified by an earned reputation based on past experience and performance. A modern analogy is that you would prefer a heart surgeon who has completed hundreds of operations much more than you would trust a heart […]

Reproductive Thinking

We are programmed for safety and survival and are drawn to repetition. Opting for the known and comfortable has kept us close to the fire and the wolves at bay. Today we follow our daily routes to and from work. We buy favourite brands uniformly designed for availability, recognition and consumption. Then, following the commute, […]

30 Minutes of Powerful Brainstorming De-constructed

At Starshot, we have long held the idea that creative is not a department in our business.  We are also on a quest to vanquish unnecessary bureaucracy with a particular focus on the time killing consequences of corporate meeting culture. So where does the brainstorm fit between this? Brainstorms can be highly valuable or an utter […]

Keeping the Romance In Your Marketing

Business development and marketing is most often tied towards the end result which is getting the sale.  But in keeping with human nature, we default to crossing the finish line  and getting the sale in the shortest possible way with the minimal of effort. So our marketing becomes like a bad pick-up artist in a […]

Unlocking the Sweet Serendipity of Ideas

It is interesting how frequently the concept of being creative is thought of as an abstract moment in time. As if this process is a tap that can be turned on and off at will by the legions of creative-types whose sole responsibility is to daydream the next big idea. The act of generating creative […]

Why WordPress is Disruptive

In the wake of Steve Job’s passing, the term ‘disruptive technology’ has been thrown about in reference to the iPhone, and how it changed the smartphone industry. Disruptive technology is a term coined by Clayton M. Christensen that describes a real innovation, one that creates a new market and value network, and that fundamentally changes […]

The Five Building Blocks of the Remarkable Marketer

As marketing has moved targets beyond the soft middle ground of mass audiences, more than ever there is a need to stand-out to the taste-makers on the fringes. By focusing on the edges, the marketer today is relying on people to notice and identify with their offering so that they can in turn tell others. […]

Use Lateral Thinking to Light Your Creative Fire

Let me start by telling a quick story from Turkey in the time of the great statesman, Mustafa Ataturk.  During his period as President of Turkey in the early 1900’s, Ataturk established a series of policy reforms so that Turkey could transform into a modern, westernized and secular nation-state. To accelerate the separation of state […]